Spirit boards have long been one of the most powerful occult tools there is. Now you can contact other realms with ease with this Lisa Parker spirit board, now available as part of our Premium high-quality Gothic giftware selection. Bordered with a wood effect, the board has a dark turquoise hue and has the alphabet marked out in an circle, as well as the numbers 0 to 9. The words Yes, No, Hello and Goodbye appear in each corner. In the centre is a picture of Lisa Parker’s artwork where a wolf’s head stares directly at you, hard blue eyes betraying a soul untouched by civilisation. The points of a pentagram can be seen from behind, with a multitude of stars visible on the dark blue background. The power of the spirit world is not something to take lightly but is a fantastic tool for any occult practitioner.
Wolf Spirit Board (LP) 38.5cm
From the magical artwork of Lisa Parker.
Featuring her Wild One artwork.
A fantastic tool for any occult practitioner.
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Weight | 0.91 kg |
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