Shot Entirely on an Iphone During the First UK lockdown due to Corona Virus this This Low budget Indie Film Unfortunately seems to Hinge its success on the Name of Sir Ian McKellen. Unfortunately the Name of a Great man Wasnt Enough to sway some critics. A man that has Put his name to such Amazing Charactors such as Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) Magneto (X-men) and Even Voicing Some of the most Iconic Characters in Animation E.g. Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast) and The Toad (Flushed Away).
This Seems to be a Glimmer of hope for the movie pulling in its fair share of views under His name alone. Until those Viewers realise that the star is only a part of the movie for around 2-3 minutes of time and the rest seems to be as quotes by some ” A poor boring story filled with underperformance and terrible sound quality “. The sound quality alone and the quality of the filming can be understood by the fact that this movie was as stated Filmed on an Iphone. That part we can forgive if it werent for the acting and script work that went into it.
For Me on a personal level I have always been a HUGE fan of the Sci-Fi time travellor style of movies but it really didnt live up to the genre. The storyline just didnt build up any kind of love or empethy for the main charactor. We had no idea of her story as to whether or not she was in the situation that she was in for her own good or for the good of those around her. This was also the case Im afraid to say to the Overly predictable end to the story that you could have seen coming from a mile away. On top of this the solution to the issue that the main charactor faced had a clear and easy solution that left many wondering why the movie wasnt over sooner.
All in all I was disapointed that this movie did not turn out to be what I had hoped and I am afraid to say that the only improvement would be to travel back in time and start over again.
Maybe they can borrow Ours: